Since the foundation of the Thacher Climbing Coalition we’ve noticed how most people spell Thacher with a “t” in the middle. Yes, as in Thatcher the “Iron Lady”. Don’t feel bad, Thacher is misspelled by everybody including people working within the NYS park system and those that live 2 miles away. We estimate that this practice will continue indefinitely into the future as the oh-so-loved chemist and baroness has become the most well-known women of power in the 20th century.
John Boyd Thacher was a mayor of Albany during the most exciting time in electrical history (the 1880s) as Thomas Edison, William Stanley and others were operating in New York and expanding to nearby Schenectady and Pittsfield. John Thacher was himself an industrialist, but we really owe thanks to his widow Emma Treadwell Thacher for donating the land to form the first parcel of the state park.