Please help bring climbing to Thacher by completing our 2016 survey here. This survey will help us establish the potential climbing population at the park,
We are especially interested to hear from ice climbers in the northeast. You can also volunteer to help our coalition through this survey.
Click here to take our 5 minute survey now!
Your personal information will only be used in aggregate to support our mission and will not be shared/sold/distributed to any third party without your permission. You may remove this information from TCC at any time by emailing info@climbthacher.org.
p.s we hope to have a large volunteer day in late May / early June focusing on building trails for access to the climbing routes. Use this survey to let us know if you can help!
Thanks for putting together the survey!
Ice climbing community is responsible. The community can also bring an economic boost to an area. Ice climbing in a low impact activity. There is no reason why any low/no impact activity should not be allowed in a state park.