We’ve made great improvements to the future climbing zone so far this year in 2016. Through small groups of volunteers starting work in June and larger public volunteer days this fall we have been able to bring ourselves closer to having our own climbing area for the Capital Region!
This year we’ve been able to increase public participation from a smaller group of about 15 volunteers to over 30. We want to give everyone that wants to help a chance to participate so we have been slowly increasing our volunteer base and meeting people at public events. It takes a community to build a new climbing area and everyone deserves a big thanks for lending their time, money, tools and muscle to making it happen.
We have advanced and completed most of the three major tasks on site this year. This includes:
- Routing trails: figuring out where concentrations of routes will be so we can serve those areas
- Digging a flat bench out as the trail is traversing steep terrain most of the time
- Building steps in areas to reduce erosion and help serve users access
Here are some of the photos from our trail days this year:
Click on the Gallery image to enlarge:
Photo credits: B. Wenskoski, D. Cheu, M. Whelan
Check EVENTS to see when is our next trail day
Thanks to everyone! If you couldn’t help us this year find out how you can help us next year: