Thacher is Open for the 2020 Climbing Season!
Although we have been open for just over a week (since July 4th) the weather hasn’t been the greatest so not much climbing action has been missed. If you feel like you are crunched for time to complete your yearly projects, fear not! There is still over 4-months to the climbing season (an average closing date late November to early December).
As you get back into the groove of climbing and think about heading out to the crag make sure to complete the three easy steps below. They can be multi-tasked to make the process even faster than they already are. Make sure to read over our rules so you know the do’s and don’ts of climbing at Thacher. Also, view our climbing during COVID blog post to understand our concerns and guidelines for climbing during this tumultuous time.
Step 1: Complete the online climbing permit application
This year’s permits are bright pink. If you have any other colored permit you need to fill out a new climbing permit application for the current year. They are free and take 2 minutes to complete! Click the image to download one now.
The closure was unproductive in terms of outdoor climbing but was productive in making the annual permit application process faster and easier. Instead of having to print out a copy of the annual application and bring it to the Visitors Center or filling one out at the front desk, you can do it all on your computer in four easy steps! We had over 1,000 climbers visit Thacher last year but only about 90 people have completed their permit application online this year. Let’s pump these rookie numbers up! If you need help filling out the application form, you can read our other blog post for full instructions and pictures.
Step 2: Sign IN and OUT of the trailhead book
We know you want to head down to the climbs as quickly as possible but please take the 30 seconds to record the date, each climber’s name, permit number, and time-in, before heading down. This allows the Park to record the number of climbers each day to see how our climber traffic is doing as well as to ensure everyone is accounted for and safe at the end of the day. Signing out should take even less time than signing in so you’ll have plenty of time to get your after climb brews and ice cream.
Step 3: Download the official Thacher Park Routes guidebook from GunksApps.
Purchase the only official guidebook for Thacher from GunksApps and enjoy a lifetime (literally!) of headache-less climb searching! The GunksApps can be downloaded from the play store or apple store for free and the Thacher Park Routes guidebook license can be bought for $9.99. The license includes lifetime updates as new routes and areas are developed. 50% of guidebook sales benefit the TCC so the more guidebook licenses people buy, the more climbing access you get!
As a bonus, the guidebook includes GPS coordinate navigation to each climb, high-res route images, and is offline compatible. Don’t be that person aimlessly trying to guess route grades or the number of bolts because you didn’t buy the guide; it takes 3 minutes and your partners will thank you for years to come!
After you complete the three steps above you are all set to enjoy unlimited climbing for the 2020 season! Make sure to mask up, sanitize, and keep your distances while climbing. COVID is still a real danger and it takes all of us to prevent its spread.
Get out and climb!